Drinking water

Water is the most important nutrient for human health. It is essential for human life, and the vast majority of our body consists of water. Without it, we would die.

The recommended amount of water to drink each day is 8 cups or 2 liters. This number is a general guideline and may be different depending on your age, weight, height, activity level, climate or medical condition.

If you are not drinking enough water you may experience some symptoms such as headache, fatigue and constipation. Drinking 8 cups a day will help reduce these symptoms and keep your body healthy.

Here are some benefits to drinking water.

1. Drinking Water Helps Your Body Function Properly

Drinking water helps your body function properly. When you don’t drink enough water, your body doesn’t get rid of toxins efficiently. You may feel tired, have headaches, constipation, and even stomach problems. If you’re not getting enough water, your body’s organs won’t work correctly.

2. Drinking Water Keeps You Healthy

When you drink plenty of water, you stay well-hydrated. Hydration keeps your immune system strong and healthy. It also helps keep your skin looking young and radiant.

3. Drinking Water Makes You Feel Better

If you’re dehydrated, you’ll feel weak and tired. Dehydration makes you feel sluggish and irritable. It can also lead to headaches, dizziness, and muscle cramps.

4. Drinking Water Gives You Energy

Water gives you energy. It helps you think clearly and concentrate. It also helps you burn calories.

5. Drinking Water Improves Digestion

Your digestive tract runs smoothly if you drink enough water. It cleanses your colon and removes toxins. It also flushes out your kidneys and liver. The solution to pollution is dilution (Paul Chek)

6. Drinking Water Lowers Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is lower when you drink enough water. That means less risk of heart disease and stroke.

7. Drinking Water Fights Infections

You’re less likely to catch colds and flu if you drink water regularly. It helps flush out mucus and phlegm from your lungs.

Water is the most important thing for human beings. It is commonly said that “a man can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air”. The quality of water we drink has a great effect on our health.

We should drink clean and filtered water to maintain our health and avoid many diseases.You can add in a drop of sea salt to add back all the trace minerals. You shouldn’t taste the salt though.


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